Channeled light languages carry divine light codes that reflect the universal language of the cosmos, understood intuitively on a deep level by all living beings. These light codes consist of energetic symbols that can renew your divine blueprint, release deep-seated blockages, and correct negative structures in your energy field. They illuminate your light body and establish a loving connection to your Higher Self and Oversoul.
According to the teachings of the Arcturian Council, light languages are a powerful tool for positive transformation that reaches the depths of our DNA. They harmoniously combine sacred geometry, sound, color, and light to awaken unconditional love and self-healing powers within you. They open the door to universal knowledge and allow latent spiritual abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience to flourish.
These light codes bypass the critical mind and directly connect with your divine being, without allowing the ego's mental barriers to interfere. There is no need for analysis or deciphering; the light codes help you align your frequency with your original divine blueprint.
You can find how each light language supports you in their description text. There, you will also find a fascinating video that provides information about their effects, history, and applications.
How do I find my light language?
Simply look at the images to discover the light language that resonates with you right now. Then, read the associated description at your own pace. This way, you'll quickly find your own unique light language, for which you can even choose your own price.
You can also experiment with the sorting function, for instance, by displaying the most popular light languages.