Own channelings

Loslassen - Channeling - Die Helfer

Letting Go - Channeling - The Helpers

Letting go means being willing to allow positive changes in your life and open yourself up to allowing things to get better. It's like the hand that opens to drop...

Letting Go - Channeling - The Helpers

Letting go means being willing to allow positive changes in your life and open yourself up to allowing things to get better. It's like the hand that opens to drop...

Wohlstand - Channeling - die Helfer

Prosperity - Channeling - the helpers

Today I want to share with you a random channeling that was sent to me through autowriting while I was thinking about how we can all achieve greater prosperity. It...

Prosperity - Channeling - the helpers

Today I want to share with you a random channeling that was sent to me through autowriting while I was thinking about how we can all achieve greater prosperity. It...