Exciting blog posts

goldenes Portal im Kosmos

The Journey to Spiritual Mastery: A Journey of ...

Spiritual mastery - a term that conjures up the idea of ​​deep wisdom and superhuman abilities. But what does it really mean to be a spiritual master? It is a...

The Journey to Spiritual Mastery: A Journey of ...

Spiritual mastery - a term that conjures up the idea of ​​deep wisdom and superhuman abilities. But what does it really mean to be a spiritual master? It is a...

Ashtar Sheran: Charismatischer Lichtkommandant der Liebe und Transformation

Ashtar Sheran: Charismatic Light Commander of L...

Today I would like to tell you about a special companion who is also at your side on your spiritual path - Ashtar Sheran, the charismatic light commander of the...

Ashtar Sheran: Charismatic Light Commander of L...

Today I would like to tell you about a special companion who is also at your side on your spiritual path - Ashtar Sheran, the charismatic light commander of the...

Lass dein Herz sprechen: Die Bedeutung der Herzchakra-Öffnung

Let your heart speak: The importance of opening...

The heart chakra, also known as Anahata, is the center of love, compassion and inner balance. According to Metatron the Archangel, the heart chakra has a unique function: it is...

Let your heart speak: The importance of opening...

The heart chakra, also known as Anahata, is the center of love, compassion and inner balance. According to Metatron the Archangel, the heart chakra has a unique function: it is...

Schutz vor Manipulation – Wie Du Dich energetisch stärken kannst

Protection from Manipulation – How You Can Stre...

Manipulation is an invisible enemy that we encounter in many areas of life and can influence our decisions, emotions and actions, often without us even noticing. Whether conscious or unconscious,...

Protection from Manipulation – How You Can Stre...

Manipulation is an invisible enemy that we encounter in many areas of life and can influence our decisions, emotions and actions, often without us even noticing. Whether conscious or unconscious,...

Manipulation und Gehirnwäsche: Ein Blick auf die subtilen Einflüsse in unserem Alltag

Manipulation and Brainwashing: A Look at the Su...

In a world flooded with information, it is more important than ever to develop an awareness of the mechanisms of manipulation and brainwashing. These concepts are not only present in...

Manipulation and Brainwashing: A Look at the Su...

In a world flooded with information, it is more important than ever to develop an awareness of the mechanisms of manipulation and brainwashing. These concepts are not only present in...

Ashtar Sherans Alpha Centauri DNA-Aktivierung: Dein Weg zu den Sternen

Ashtar Sheran's Alpha Centauri DNA Activation: ...

At a time when more and more people are beginning to discover their galactic roots, interest in DNA activations is growing steadily. One such activation, which has special significance for...

Ashtar Sheran's Alpha Centauri DNA Activation: ...

At a time when more and more people are beginning to discover their galactic roots, interest in DNA activations is growing steadily. One such activation, which has special significance for...