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Spiritual chat lesson: Application for the spiritual master lesson

Spiritual chat lesson: Application for the spiritual master lesson

Regular price €77,77
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Spiritual chat lesson: Application for the spiritual master lesson

If you would like regular support on your spiritual path or would like to deepen your spiritual knowledge, you have the opportunity to introduce yourself to me in a Skype conversation in order to apply for regular participation in your very personal spiritual master class.

In these conversations you have the opportunity to expand your knowledge and I will support you on your spiritual path on a regular basis. Please note that you do not have to be a master to take part in the spiritual master class. This hour ultimately serves to expand your consciousness so much that you can experience the ascension into the 5th dimension, the Ascension, in this lifetime.

If you would like to find out more about it, just book this chat hour. I look forward to you!

What are we talking about?

In our conversation we will talk about your previous experiences in the spiritual area, explore your wishes and discuss how I can support you on your spiritual path. We will check whether we resonate with each other.

If we feel comfortable in this exchange and find common ground, I can officially accept you as a Student of Light. After that we will meet at least once a month for our spiritual masterclass. I look forward to our conversation and to accompanying you on your spiritual journey.

In the menu below you will find an explanation for a 60-minute coaching session. Since the scheduling and process, right down to the content of the conversation, also applies to the cozy chat hour, I have simply provided you with the information from a coaching session.

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